
About Lean Six Sigma at SRHC

History of Lean at Salina Regional Health Center

In 2013, Salina Regional Health Center (SRHC) recognized that healthcare in America was undergoing a radical shift that would forever challenge long standing healthcare paradigms. Margins were shrinking. Staffing was difficult. Government reporting burdens were stifling innovation. Myriads of new unreimbursed mandatory government requirements popped up constantly. SRHC was faced with a choice: keep doing things as they had always been done and just try and keep things together or find a better path. SRHC chose a better path and began its Lean Six Sigma (LSS) journey. The goal was improved quality, patient safety, and employee engagement. SRHC leadership was ready to undergo a cultural change that would guarantee best in class patient care in the presence of changing healthcare and declining reimbursements. The staff of Salina Regional Health Center has experienced success integrating the Lean philosophy into the SRHC culture:

  • As of April 2021, SRHC has graduated over 1,500 students as either Green or Yellow Belts! We even have a full up Black Belt course!
  • SRHC, through the Salina Regional Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO) and the Salina Regional Lean Academy is the regional leader in LSS Healthcare.
  • SRHC has hundreds of projects working now. We have thousands of projects completed.
  • SRHC has saved more than $21M using the Lean Six Sigma principles.
  • SRHC has also provided Lean training to many other healthcare venues and even manufacturing companies.

Why Salina Regional Health Center chose Lean Six Sigma

Originally developed for the manufacturing industry using the principles of the Toyota Production System, Lean has started to catch on and have great success in the healthcare industry. Salina Regional Health Center implemented the Lean Six Sigma methodology with the help of Master Black Belt, Brian Weisel, for the following reasons:

  • A philosophy, set of principles and the Lean Six Sigma tool set
  • The philosophy fits a rapidly changing healthcare industry
  • The tool set is logical and easy to implement
  • It empowers SRHC employees
  • The results are rapid